Military Diet: Lose Up To Ten Pounds In Three Days

Military Diet: Lose Up To Ten Pounds In Three Days

The Original Three Day Diet Plan

Since I first published the Military Diet diet in 2007, countless people around the world have used it successfully to lose weight. Although there are copycats, this is the original, which is important because even a small change to this diet can set you up for poor results.

How did I come up with all of this?

A military gentleman who attended our church some years back introduced me to this diet. He said that military recruits use this diet when they need to get in shape quickly. Since then I’ve done extensive research and heard from countless people who have tried this plan. Combined with my own personal trial and error, the diet that follows is carefully tested and includes advice to help you succeed. Feel confident and see the results for yourself!

Here's what I'll be covering:

Doctor's Approval for Dieting
The Three Day Diet: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
How the Diet Works
About the Food Choices
Allowed Additions
Important Information About Substitutions
Tips to Keep the Weight Off
How to Make the Diet Work for You
Success Stories

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