5 Daily Habits That Can Speed Up Your Metabolism according to experts

5 Daily Habits That Can Speed Up Your Metabolism according to experts

There are loads of reasons to love your body, even if you're stuck trying to figure out how to speed up your metabolism. For starters, it helps you get from point A to point B (which rocks, when point A is a pizza joint and point B is your couch). Plus, boosting your metabolism can increase your sexual charisma, which is never a bad thing, really.

But perhaps the best thing to love about your body and your metabolism? It constantly does you a solid by burning calories all on its own. How? Well, first of all, it's important to mention that having a naturally slow metabolism isn't inherently dangerous to your health, so you shouldn't sweat it, as long as you feel your best. If you're feeling low in energy, however, a slowed down metabolism could be to blame, according to Forbes.

Although there are genetic factors that can play into your metabolic rate, according to the New York Times, there are everyday behaviors that impact it, too. Could you be slowing your metabolism and you don't even know it? I caught up with Keri Gans, RD and author of The Small Change Diet, for her advice when it comes to habits that can speed up your metabolism.

5 Daily Habits That Can Speed Up Your Metabolism, According To Someone In The Know

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