Drink 2 Tablespoons of ACV. What Happens to Your Waistline Is...

Drink 2 Tablespoons of ACV. What Happens to Your Waistline Is...

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a cherished natural remedy, used by many as a preventative and curative measure. It also holds an important place in the dieting world – scientific studies, as well as practical experiences, show that apple cider vinegar (ACV) can help you lose weight.

Vinegar is one of those substances that target the problem holistically, and it provides you with long-term solutions. This article will help you understand how ACV works and how to use ACV as part of your daily diet to get the best results.

What Does ACV Do To Make You Lose Weight?

ACV taps into several physiological mechanisms that support healthy weight loss:

1. ACV acts as an appetite suppressor

ACV makes you eat less by producing a feeling of satiety sooner. One research that proved that empirically was a 2005 study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Subjects who ate bread with vinegar felt significantly fuller than their counterparts who were fed only bread. The more acetic acid (the primary constituent of vinegar) the participants ingested, the fuller they were.

2. ACV controls blood sugar levels

ACV prevents uncontrollable sugar spikes and crashes that make you want to nibble between meals. When your blood sugar is stable, it’s much easier to stick to your diet and eat only when your body needs it.

The previously mentioned study also measured blood sugar levels in the vinegar-fed and control group. Participants who were given ACV had significantly lower post-meal blood glucose levels (there was no spike that usually follows a meal high in carbohydrates). Furthermore, those who consumed a higher dose of vinegar, benefited from the effect even 90 minutes after eating. For more information, please read my article on how to use apple cider vinegar for diabetes.

You can get more information on how to naturally control blood sugar in my articles about the best foods to control diabetes, and 7 effective steps to prevent diabetes.

How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) For Weight Loss

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