This Is Me… Cool weight loss journey, went from "skinny fat" to healthy and toned - also TONS of clean eating recipes!

This Is Me… Cool weight loss journey, went from "skinny fat" to healthy and toned - also TONS of clean eating recipes!


To be quite honest, I’m probably more like you than you think. I’m a wife and mother. I LOVE food. I make kid lunches. I bring kids to school. I work Monday-Friday and lucky enough to be doing something I absolutely love. I answer emails. I text message a lot, probably more than I should and sometimes even when I’m in the car (normally while parked at a red light). I browse social media. I pin. I LOVE food. I pick kids up from school. I drive a crossover. I’m the overly loud screaming proud mom at the high school football game. I cook dinner almost every night. I have a serious sweet tooth. I LOVE food. I enjoy trashy reality television. Real Housewives is a personal favorite of mine. I love my kids & my real life superhero husband. My life has been amazing and I didn’t think it could get better…. but last year… it did.

As my family prepared for our annual Hawaii trip, I decided I was finally going to rock a bikini without feeling self conscious about my tummy and hips (a serious problem area my whole life). At 35 years old, 2 kids, and a LOT of cookies & cake every single night, well, things just did not look the same as they did 20 years ago. Gravity started to take over and I knew I was at the beginning stages of really just letting myself go and start a downward spiral. I had taken a 7 year hiatus from all things fitness related. Clothes didn’t fit or look right on me. And more than anything, I was seriously tired of being “skinny fat”… you know, where you look decent in clothes, but underneath it all, it was a whole different story?  Yeah, that was me. Skinny Fat. Granted, I have never been over weight but I also NEVER felt proud of what my body looked like. I knew in my heart I could be better. I knew I could feel better. And I damn sure knew I could look better.

So, on April 1 of 2013, I started my fitness journey thinking it was literally just to look decent in a bikini on that beach in Maui. Little did I know I would soon fall in love with fitness, weight training and overall nutrition. I learned how to properly fuel my body, how to lose weight & body fat without living a life full of deprivation, bingeing or fad dieting, and more than anything else… how to maintain everything LONG TERM. No crash diets. No feeling like a yo-yo. No low carb crap. No crazy cleanses or detoxes. Just pure balancing of eating & weight training.

And after being asked numerous times by friends, family, and followers on my Instagram account, I decided it was finally time to properly document my journey, what I have learned, what I am continue to learn, my food intake, and my thoughts all in one cohesive place. For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to be a food blogger and/or food photographer so getting to combine my recipes and beautiful food WITH my new fit lifestyle… well, it’s a match made in heaven for me.

Please keep in mind that I am NOT a personal trainer, nutritionist, or licensed in anything fitness or health related…. this blog is simply a place for me to share MY JOURNEY and what I learn along the way.  If I happen to help someone, that’s even better!

Thank you so much for visiting and taking the time to read a little about me. I hope you find useful information, good food, and possibly some inspiration here!

Via: Live fit

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