Women’s 3 Day Beginner Weight Training Routine

Women’s 3 Day Beginner Weight Training Routine

Rachael wants to start exercising and toning up. She has a basic idea how to eat healthy and she knows that in order to reach her goals that she will have to get to the gym and start weight training. She goes to the store and buys a few fitness magazines and when she is finished reading them she is more confused than before she started.

Just like Rachael, most people want to change everything in their life overnight because they think that’s the only way to make progress to their goals which is not the best way to go.

But what should you do then?

Small changes in your habits will lead to success, trust me.

The gym is overwhelming, no wonder people give up after a few weeks, let me show you what works for my clients.


I tell my clients that you cannot out exercise a bad diet. “Going on a diet” and your diet (what you eat) are two different things; I want to change what you see as regular foods.

Moderation is the most important word that you need to learn next to planning. You can eat the cake, donuts, and ice cream in moderation especially when you plan your meals.


If you want to eat something that will embarrass you to admin you’ve eaten, you need to plan it out and eat accordingly the rest of the day. Having a donut or two once a week and cutting down on the other amount of sugar and carbohydrates you eat throughout the week will not completely ruin everything that you have worked towards… but going on a random binge will.

If you can get 80% of your food through fresh meats and vegetables that you prepare, the other 20% can be whatever you want. Bad things happen when you start depriving yourself of foods that you’ve grown to love.

Healthy Proteins

Proteins should be priority number 1 in your meal planning. You need to eat plenty of protein to recover fully from all of the exercising and weight training you do.

Supplements – protein shakes or protein bars are easy and can be had on the go
Chicken – boneless skinless chicken breasts, boneless skinless chicken thighs
Beef – ground beef, steaks
Turkey – ground turkey is a leaner substitute to ground beef if you need to cut fats or calories
Healthy Carbs

Carbs catch a bad rap because there are so many myths that people believe are true. Carbs are a source of energy and are important, but when eaten in excess they are stored as fat.

Rice – white, brown
Healthy Fats

Fats make you fat, right? Wrong. Healthy fats are extremely important for a healthy body because they help regulate hormones, they are satiating, and frankly they make food taste better.

Olive Oil
Real Butter
As with all of this, moderation and planning are key. There’s no reason to stop eating your favorite foods you just need to adjust the rest of your diet accordingly.

Check out these 39 fat loss myths debunked while you’re at it.

Gym Essentials

Whether you are looking at this workout to get ideas on how to structure your own home routine, or you are going to be going to a gym to complete this, there are some pieces of equipment or gym essentials that I recommend you trying to get.

With the holidays coming up, if you know someone who likes to go to the gym, I will show you some great gym essentials I feel everyone should have in their gym bags.

I would like to let you know that all of the links below are in fact affiliate links to Amazon. If you would like to support the website and help me produce more content for you, please use them. I will not try to sell you anything I don’t use or recommend. I promise. Click the images to check out the item.

Don’t have a gym bag?

Gym bags are nice to have to bring a change of clothes, towels, and other accessories you may need on your trip to the gym.

This Adidas gym bag is by far my favorite because it has a separate compartment to put my sweaty clothes for when I end up having to change at the gym. It is a bit more expensive than the regular gym bags you may see around but the quality is well worth the cost.

Via: The Byrn

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